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12 December 2022

Following its company’s mission aimed to distribute high end and boutique products based on its 30 years of experience in the “luxury” segment of the market , Backline is happy to announce the exclusive distribution of Maton Guitars ( the prestigious  acoustic guitars brand from Australia used by legends like Tommy Emmanuel and Joe Robinson) for the territories of France, Spain & Portugal. 

logo maton web

The brand, which has been distributed successfully in Italy already since a few years, shall match perfectly the high end distribution catalogue of Backline for such territories. A catalogue carefully assembled to make some of the most acclaimed brands in the guitar & bass market ( such as Suhr Guitars and others) available to musicians who know how to appreciate top quality handcrafted products thru selected  , experienced and committed to quality dealers whose activity shall be supported by the tailored modern marketing activity and service of Backline.

Backline has been extending its focused activity for France, Spain and Portugal since a couple of years now and it is planning to make its presence in such territories stronger extending its mission in those countries.

EM100 808 SoundHole

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Backline Srl
Via Calabria 3
20158 Milano
Phone +39 02 82396445

P.I. 12491290156

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